
Showing posts from July, 2016

ASUS update Dual Intellegent Processors 5 (DIP5) error loading appicon fix

  Asus recently released a new version of native software to overclock and to monitor their motherboards. Few words first. This software some users found buggy, other report not effective - preferring manual overclocking. IMHO this utility is worth trying especially if you are new to overclocking and afraid to burn the CPU or memory or other chips. Another reason to using it is ability to easy control Asus`s custom controllers - EPU and TPU those are using for better control stability and power consumption of your system. But this software really have some problems with Windows even though you can ignore most of this errors. For example,  in Win 8 and Windows 10 when system starts there is an error when  starting DIP power service and this leads to set your power mode every time when system starts - not serious  but a bit annoying.  So that is why every update users wait and hope bugs will be fixed and it will  become more useful.    This update , according to ASUS site d